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  • 9-1 Detail of Barberini Ivory (Justinian as world conqueror) width:357;;height:480
  • 9-2 Hagia Sophia, Istanbul Turkey (exterior view) width:640;;height:480
  • 9-3 Hagia Sophia, Istanbul Turkey (interior view) width:250;;height:376
  • 9-4 Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes, Sant Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna, Italy width:640;;height:448
  • 9-5 San Vitale, Ravenna, Italy width:640;;height:480
  • 9-6 Plan of San Vitale width:372;;height:241
  • 9-7 Choir and apse of San Vitale, Christ, Two Angels, Saint Vitalis and Bishop Ecclesius (mosaic) width:640;;height:480
  • 9-8, 9-9 Justinian, Bishop Maximianus, and His Attendants, San Vitale, Ravenna, Italy (mosaic) width:640;;height:416
  • 9-10 Virgin and Child Between Saints Theodore and George (Theotokos), Monastery of Saint Catherine, Mount Sinai, Egypt width:349;;height:480
  • 9-11 Harbaville Triptych width:640;;height:479
  • 9-12 Vladimir Virgin (tempera on wood) Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow width:321;;height:480
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